The 7 body weight exercises that were chosen are as follows: 


  1. Pull ups – The pull up is one of the best back exercises you can do, even if you have access to a gym. Th is an intense back exercise with the added benefit of working your forearms and biceps. If you can’t seem to do a Pull up yet, add bands to help you on the concentric phase of the exercise.  


  1. Chin Up Knee Raise – This exercise is a two for one movement.  The biceps and abs are you prime movers. This is a perfect combination movement that helps you to kill two muscles with one move.


  1. Floor Bridge Curls – This posterior chain exercise hits your glutes and hamstrings. This exercise is great when there is a lack of proper gym equipment.


  1. Single Leg Squats – Time to hit your quads with this is a great lower body exercise. By positioning your leg behind you.  Be sure to elevate your back foot raised off the ground to keep the work on the front leg only. If this is to advanced for you. Start with normal body weight squats.


  1. Push-ups – You knew there would have to be a push-up would be on the list. This exercise targets your chest. Also try yoga push-ups, this version activates your chest, shoulders and triceps equally during different times in the range of motion.  


  1. Burpees – This is yet another body weight only movement that will challenge your entire body and your cardio.


  1. Floor Crunches – This exercise, when done correctly really ignites the upper abs for that six-pack beach body look. Add these in your routine.  

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